Havayah: Challah Back Girls Grade 8 (In Person)
- Toddler to Teen
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming.
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming.
In this course, five rabbis and scholars will each teach a different interpretive lens for studying Torah.
Join our TBE clergy, educators and fellow b’mitzvah families for an interactive program where will explore the meaning of this milestone for your family
A film screening of "Repairing the World: Stories From the Tree of Life," dinner, and discussion with Rabbi Sisenwine.
This program has been canceled
The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study as we explore its resonant narratives and relevant themes.
Continuing the Conversation: Living with Alzheimer's and Other Cognitive Changes.
Join us for a Deeply Rooted: Faith in Reproductive Justice. This is an ambitious, multidisciplinary exhibition that looks at abortion and reproductive justice through the lens of faith, bringing Jewish feminist artists into dialogue with artists from other faith communities and backgrounds.
Tuttle-Singer, author of Jerusalem Drawn and Quartered and the New Media Editor at Times of Israel, will join us from Jerusalem as she shares the words of the diary she began keeping on October 7th.
Join a dedicated and enthusiastic team of song leaders and get ready to make Jewish music with our students!
The annual Holiday Gift Collection for the 320 students at Grove Hall’s William Monroe Trotter K-6 School is underway!
Our Mincha Ma'ariv service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Sasha Florence.
Books can change an incarcerated life. Our TBE community should be actively involved in making books more easily available to encourage reading for those in prison. Join CASA!
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Leila Roberts.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Join us for Thank God It's Shabbat (TGIS) Service, a multi-generational experience to sing, pray, and learn together in a less formal worship environment.
Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these 5:00 pre-service study sessions.
Daf Yomi is a daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
This two-session introduction is designed for those who are new to Tikkun Middot practice. Participation in these two sessions is required for new participants. This course is part of our Wednesdays at the Well programming.
With the unfolding current events in Israel, young American Jews are being increasingly challenged with difficult questions to which they struggle to respond.
Each week, participants will take a moment to check-in and set an intention, learn about and/or practice a mini spiritual practice.
We are in a time of hyper-polarized politics and global events beyond our control. The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study.
Begin the fall season building your strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga with Stephanie Javaheri. This course is part of our Wednesdays at the Well programming.
October's book of choice is the fiction, The Matchmaker's Gift, by Lynda Cohen Loigman.
We’ve looked at The Great American Songbook. Now its time to look at the singers that made the songs.
Join Claire Saffitz, food journalist & cookbook author of What’s For Dessert?
Devoted to the history of Jerusalem we will focus on three momentous moments in the complicated history of a city holy to the three major western religions.
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming.
Join with members of our community to explore how we can apply Jewish wisdom to help us engage in respectful, meaningful conversations.
The second semester of this year-long course offers an overview of major topics in Jewish life and learning. Participation in the first semester is not required.
This program has been canceled
The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study as we explore its resonant narratives and relevant themes.
Tea time with our legislative reproductive justice champions, Senators Cynthia Creem and Becca Rausch.
Bring your musical talent to the Havayah T’filah Band.
Join a dedicated and enthusiastic team of song leaders and get ready to make Jewish music with our students!
Our Mincha Ma'ariv service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Alexandra Gillette and Drew Levin.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Daf Yomi is a daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Join Yoni Kadden as he presents his highly popular class focusing on how we speak about Jews in the Civil Rights Movement.
Join with others from our college community for a conversation with Rabbi Joel Sisenwine about what is happening in Israel and how we can respond.
This program is for you if you are interested in becoming a College Behind Bars mentor or if you you have questions and would like to learn more about the College Behind Bars or Re-Entry Mentor Programs (there’s no commitment required to attend the training).
Join with others from our 20s/30s community for a conversation with Rabbi Joel Sisenwine about what is happening in Israel and how we can respond.
Grow as a leader as a member of our Manhigut Council!
Our most deeply engaged and dedicated leaders have the opportunity to shape the present and future of Havayah as members of our Senior Leadership Team.
Cantors Jodi Sufrin and Roy Einhorn will lead a program/singalong focusing on the folk music of the sixties. Was some songwriting influenced by their Jewish backgrounds?
Each week, participants will take a moment to check-in and set an intention, learn about and/or practice a mini spiritual practice.
We are in a time of hyper-polarized politics and global events beyond our control. The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study.
Begin the fall season building your strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga with Stephanie Javaheri. This course is part of our Wednesdays at the Well programming.
Dive deep into Jewish text and theology with Rabbi Harper, as we build connections to each other and to Jewish tradition.
Come join Sisterhood as we travel to Hadassah-Brandeis Institute.
We’ve looked at The Great American Songbook. Now its time to look at the singers that made the songs.
Join us to speak with members of our partner congregation Or Hadash from Haifa.
Participants will study each text, interpret meaning, and create their own artwork inspired by each prayer. No prior artistic experience necessary.
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming.
In this course, five rabbis and scholars will each teach a different interpretive lens for studying Torah.
Parents of 5th graders gather with clergy to discuss the timeline for becoming b'mitzvah at TBE
This program has been canceled
The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study as we explore its resonant narratives and relevant themes.
Join us for a virtual tour of MAZON's new Hunger museum which provides the history over the last 60 years of the problem of hunger, and trying to eradicate hunger, in this country.
Join us for a film screening of Rock in the Red Zone, a documentary about Sderot, an Israeli town on the border with Gaza, where music is the coping mechanism for constant rocket-firing warfare.
We will study selected passages in Torah to explore where we might be (in time) and to how to move through sacred time.
Join a dedicated and enthusiastic team of song leaders and get ready to make Jewish music with our students!
We will study selected passages in Torah to explore where we might be (in time) and to how to move through sacred time.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray in an exciting and engaging Shabbat morning service for our 0-5 year olds with Cantor Josh!
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Jonathan Feder and Derick Katz.
Join us for minyan, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.
Come dance, sing, play, and pray in an exciting and engaging Shabbat morning service for our 0-5 year olds with Cantor Josh!
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
Daf Yomi is a daily practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day. We meet once weekly on Friday mornings.
Get support and resources from two Jewish Family & Children's Service (JF&CS) professionals during this unprecedented time.
Join us for an exciting, joyful drum circle continuing this fall with our own Friday night service drummer, Noam Sender.
Join Yoni Kadden as he presents his highly popular class focusing on how we speak about Jews in the Civil Rights Movement.
This two-session introduction is designed for those who are new to Tikkun Middot practice. Participation in these two sessions is required for new participants. This course is part of our Wednesdays at the Well programming.
Each week, participants will take a moment to check-in and set an intention, learn about and/or practice a mini spiritual practice.
We are in a time of hyper-polarized politics and global events beyond our control. The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study.
Begin the fall season building your strength, balance and alignment through the practice of yoga with Stephanie Javaheri. This course is part of our Wednesdays at the Well programming.
Continuing the Conversation: Living with Alzheimer's and Other Cognitive Changes
In this class, we will briefly explore a bit of history on how the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) interpreted these sixteen simple and breathtaking words.
TBE member Dr. Irving Fox will speak about his recently published memoir: The Flashing Light: A Medical Mystery, based on his own life experience.
Let us enter the fascinating and tragic world of those forced converts who were Catholic on the outside but remained Jewish on the inside.
Join us for a taste of eLeMeNTs, TBE's newest adult learning initiative, with the Editor-in-Chief of the Forward.
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming.
Take a break from homework and the stresses of everyday life in our welcoming and fun gender-based programming
Learn more about TBE's Family Israel Trip, December 19-29, 2024
This program has been canceled
The Second Book of Kings makes for a timely Torah study as we explore its resonant narratives and relevant themes.
6th - 12th graders and their families are invited to gather at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute at Brandeis University for a poignant and powerful exhibit featuring portraits by recognized American artist Lauren Bergman and companion compositions by renowned Israeli composer Ella Milch-Sheriff
Please join us for the planning meeting for Eretz, TBE’s family climate change initiative. TBE families will strategize, plan, and organize around Climate Action in our broader community.
Bring your musical talent to the Havayah T’filah Band.
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Join us to talk about topics relevant to Jewish parenting in today's world. We will learn and discuss together, hopefully feeling empowered to support our children in their Jewish journeys while enriching our own.
Join a dedicated and enthusiastic team of song leaders and get ready to make Jewish music with our students!
Our Mincha Ma'ariv service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Lily Magit.