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Toddler to Teen

TBE Youth: From Toddler to Teen

“When you teach your children, you teach your children’s children.”

~ adapted from the Talmud

Grow at TBE!

Nurture the joy of Jewish living.

Our youth community provides children of all ages and their families with opportunities to participate in Jewish life.

Upcoming Events

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Gan Elohim
Early Learning Center

Since 1972, our preschool has engaged children in learning, fostered joy in Jewish values, and built a community in which relationships last a lifetime.

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Lisa Scott
Director of Gan Elohim Early Learning Center

Families with Young Children (Ages 0-5)

Enjoy Jewish holidays and other events designed to engage your little ones and build connections among families. Older siblings are welcome, too!

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Cantor Josh Rosenberg
Director of Youth and Family Learning

Grades K–7

BaDerech (“On The Path”) is our interactive, multimodal weekly learning program for Kindergarten through 5th grade students. Learners continue their journey in B’Yachad (“together”), our weekly program for 6th and 7th graders. Students will engage in service learning experiences through the Ma’asim Tovim (“Good Works”) program and live out our sacred tradition of tikkun olam (“repairing the world”).

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Eliana Stein
Assistant Director of K-7 Learning Programs

Cantor Josh Rosenberg
Director of Youth and Family Learning


 Reach Out

Lisa Scott
Director of Gan Elohim Early Learning Center

Cantor Josh Rosenberg
Director of Youth and Family Learning

Community Resources

Grades K-7
Grades 8-12
If you need assistance, contact Aiden O’Neal, Youth Learning Support Specialist.

Grades 8-12
Havayah (Experience)

Our teen community connects to Jewish life by actively experiencing it! Havayah fosters Jewish identity, a commitment to social justice, leadership skills, and deep connection to Jewish life at TBE and beyond.

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Ali Klein
Assistant Director of Havayah

Rabbi Ben Rosen

Day School Community

TBE and local Jewish day schools share the belief that relationships and community are central to living a joyful, fulfilling Jewish life. School and synagogue are extensions of each other.

The Rashi School

MetroWest Jewish Day School (MWJDS)

Gann Academy

Rabbi Rachel Saphire

Upcoming Events

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Reach Out

Alison Kur
Executive Director, Jewish Living and Learning

Hannah Richman Kearney
Director, BaBayit & Havayah

Dr. Judy Avnery
Interim Director, K–7 Learning Programs

Nancy Ostroff
Early Childhood

Alison Klein
Administrative & Communications Specialist for Youth Learning Programs

Community Resources

Join Us

Programs and events by age: Young Children, Grades K–7, Grades 8–12

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