of life together.
of life together.
of life together.
of life together.
Welcome to TBE!
How awe-inspiring is this place. This is none other than a Beit Elohim.
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Online Resources
Prepare for the High Holy Days with our Elul programming.
Social action, community service, and collections opportunities!
Celebrate Community
We are a vibrant community inspired by the wisdom & traditions of Judaism.
Introducing Mira Warmflash, TBE’s New Tikkun Olam Youth Educator
I am deeply excited about the opportunity to integrate Jewish learning with tangible actions for social good in my role at TBE.
The Rakovnik Torah | Its History & Its Mantle, Breastplate, and Rimmonim
The Rakovnik Torah acquired by our synagogue in 1973 is one of some 1500 Torah scrolls, often referred to as Holocaust scrolls, which were collected by the Nazis along with other seized Jewish property during the 1940s.
Introducing the Gratitude Gang
In January 2024, a small group of us set out to make a special effort to recognize these unsung heroes among our staff—The Gratitude Gang was launched.
Discover the many ways
we can come together.
And create meaningful relationships in the process.
TBE in Action
Learn about Rabbi Harper’s new book, Loaves of Torah.
Hear what Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the US, had to say in the wake of the October 7 attack.