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Explore and engage with Jewish wisdom

Adult Learning

“Get yourself a teacher and find yourself a friend.“ ~ Pirkei Avot 1:6

The wisdom of Judaism has so much to offer in supporting our daily lives. Through adult learning at TBE, we hope you will deepen your connection to Judaism and transform the way you walk through the world.

Dig Deep, Branch Out — Summer Institute 2024

Lean into the expansiveness of summer and nourish your soul with Jewish wisdom. Join your TBE community for inspiring, experiential, accessible learning during Summer Institute, wherever you find yourself this summer. Whether you want to dig deep through memoir writing or mindfulness, or branch out and learn something new through study or practice, we look forward to experiencing the joy of the journey with you.

More Adult Learning Programs


Find your inspiration to be a part of something bigger.

The Well

Programming on spiritual practice & mindfulness.

Other Series

Create your own path through Jewish learning.

Weekly Text Study

Anchor yourself through the wisdom of tradition.

Lifelong Learning

Learn from fellow congregants, with a flexible schedule.

eLeMeNTs: Be Part of Something Bigger!

On Monday evenings, connect to community and to ancient and modern Jewish wisdom through eLeMeNTs (Lishma: Monday Night Torah), TBE’s newest innovation in adult learning. Whether you’ve been studying for years or are stepping in for the first time, find your inspiration to be a part of something bigger.

Aleph (א) weeks (year-long courses)

Upcoming classes:

View all upcoming eLeMeNTs (aleph) classes

Bet (ב) weeks (semester-long courses)

Upcoming classes:

View all upcoming eLeMeNTs (bet) classes

eLeMeNTs Schedule

7:00 pm: Gather, schmooze & nosh
7:15 pm: Singing, d’var torah
7:25 pm: Mourner’s Kaddish
7:30 pm: Learning options

Reach Out

Rabbi Vanessa Harper

Lynn Burke Harrell

View all eLeMeNTs programs

The Well

Gather for learning and programming that centers around spiritual practice, mindfulness, and connection as a part of The Well at TBE. The Well integrates Jewish spiritual practices alongside modern mindfulness tools and techniques to provide a source of well-being through learning, practice, prayer, and support.


Begin the fall season with strength and balance through the practice of yoga.

View all yoga classes

Mindful Moments

Take a few minutes out of your week to build a mindfulness practice for your spiritual and mental well-being.

View all Mindful Moments classes

Questions about The Well?

Hannah Richman

Lynn Burke Harrell

View all classes at The Well

Positivity & Relaxation Training (PART) Through a Jewish Lens

Develop a self-care routine to help manage stress, improve your outlook, and enhance your quality of life.

View all PART classes

Tikkun Middot | The Practice of Living an Ethical Life

Tikkun middot practice is for anyone who wants to more often be their “best self” in the actions of daily life.

View all Tikkun Middot classes

Habits of the Heart | Jewish Mindfulness

This program is for anyone who wants a nurturing, safe, and exploratory space in which to learn about mindfulness grounded in Jewish text, prayer, and song.

View all Habits of the Heart classes

Mikveh as a Spiritual Practice in Preparation for Passover

This special multi-part workshop, a unique collaboration between Mayyim Hayyim and The Well at Temple Beth Elohim, will help participants explore the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.

Questions about The Well?

Hannah Richman

Lynn Burke Harrell

View all classes at The Well

More Adult Learning Series

Create your own path through Jewish learning in classes that connect to Israel, engage with Jewish culture, wrestle with text, uncover new meaning in prayer, and so much more.

Beginner Modern Hebrew

A basic introduction to the Hebrew language. Learn to identify and sound each letter of the alphabet, pronounce different vowels and decode words, and more!

View all upcoming Beginner Modern Hebrew classes

Conversational Hebrew

Want to expand your Hebrew knowledge? Join us and have fun learning practical and useful Hebrew phrases, how to greet people and ask simple questions.

View all upcoming Conversational Hebrew classes

Pre-Shabbat Study Series

Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these pre-service study sessions.

View all upcoming pre-Shabbat study classes

Me’ah Select

The current Me’ah Select course, in partnership with Hebrew College, will study the Jewish ethics of war and the pursuit of peace from biblical times to the present in Jewish law and thought.

View all upcoming Me’ah Select classes

Weekly Text Study

Anchor yourself through the wisdom of tradition and the rhythm of the weekly cycle of reading and study.

Daf Yomi

Join us on Fridays for a practice of reading and discussing a page of Talmud a day, led by Rabbi Carol Mitchell. A complete cycle takes seven years!

Upcoming classes:

View all upcoming Daf Yomi classes

Minyan & Torah Study

Join us for minyan on Saturday mornings, followed by Torah study when we will explore the weekly Torah portion together with a member of our clergy.

Upcoming classes:

View all upcoming Minyan & Torah Study classes

Lifelong Learning at TBE

Learn from fellow congregants, with classes that fit your schedule.


A unique program led by fellow congregants who are excited to share their knowledge and interests in a relaxed, fun learning experience.

View all upcoming TBElle programs

Music Club

Music lovers unite to learn more about music we know, discover new music, and enjoy a community of friends with musical interests.

Monday Musical Moments
Each Monday we send a short piece of music from various genres with a bit of history behind it to brighten your week. Click here to view a sample. Contact Don Drourr or Lynn Burke to be added to the list.

View all upcoming Music Club programs

Questions about Lifelong Learning Classes?

Lynn Burke Harrell

View all upcoming lifelong learning classes

Lunch & Learn

Bring your lunch and join us for an online version of Lunch & Learn, a lay-led series of lectures on wide-ranging themes. Speakers include TBE clergy, staff, faculty, and congregants.

View all upcoming Lunch & Learn programs

Book Club

Our book club is a warm and dynamic group of people who meet once a month to share and discuss good reads.

View all upcoming Book Club programs

Questions about Lifelong Learning Classes?

Lynn Burke Harrell

View all upcoming lifelong learning classes


The Temple Beth Elohim library housed in the beit Midrash offers members access to a wide variety of multimedia Jewish library materials and a comfortable, relaxing environment. Come explore uniquely Jewish content that is not easily available elsewhere and a rich array of noted Jewish writers, subject matter, history, and reference materials.

We have books for children, teens, and adults to enjoy at TBE or to borrow and read at home.

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