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Drum Circle (In Person)

  • Spiritual Practice

Drumming is known to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being and mental alertness. We will play beautiful rhythms from around the world.

Fee: $165 – $183

Drum Circle (In Person)

  • Spiritual Practice

Drumming is known to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being and mental alertness. We will play beautiful rhythms from around the world.

Fee: $165 – $183

Drum Circle (In Person)

  • Spiritual Practice

Drumming is known to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being and mental alertness. We will play beautiful rhythms from around the world.

Fee: $165 – $183

Tisha B’Av Service & Study (Online)

  • Spiritual Practice

We join with the Jewish community around the world in marking this day with prayer and study, remembering our responsibility to counteract sinat chinam (baseless hatred), whether ancient or contemporary, wherever we find it.

Tashlich (Outdoors)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for a meaningful, reflective ritual including shofar, song, and tossing stones into the river as we symbolically cast away our sins.


  • Spiritual Practice

Sukkot is a festival for giving thanks for the fall harvest and commemorates 40 years of Jews wandering in the desert after the giving of the Torah. Celebrated five days after Yom Kippur.

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