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TBE’s Community Voice

When I joined TBE almost 20 years ago, I took part in adult education classes. After a short time I joined the Adult Learning Committee.  At one meeting I acknowledged that we are blessed to have so many bright and interesting people in our congregation. I wondered aloud if there was some way to uncover congregants’ interests, and ask them to share those interests.  By doing so we could get to know each other better. “Do it!” I was told, and as a result TBElle, (Temple Beth Elohim’s Life Long Learning Experience) was formed. We explored humor, music, art, story writing, cooking and other “untraditional” temple subjects as well as Israel and bible. These classes were not just for scholars. They were for everyone.

I’ve learned these five things as an adult learner:

  1. When I was in college and in grad school, I had to work towards a goal. I was limited in the electives I could take outside of my major. Now I can take a course for pure enjoyment, the simple pleasure of learning something new. And best of all no papers, no exams! I’m just pushed by my own curiosity and interest.
  2. How well did I get to know my teachers at college? Not very well. I never got to know them as persons. At TBE through study I feel that I know the clergy who teach me and that they know me. I know some things about my fellow congregants who teach TBElle courses, and by their sharing their interests and knowledge I feel I get to know some of their hidden facets. In some respects I liken it to the Hour of Response on Yom Kippur at which time we get to know what is below one’s surface.
  3. I get to know my fellow students. Studying together as adult learners is a surprisingly bonding experience, one I never experienced in my formal education. We share. We question. We seek together.
  4. I’ve gotten to know myself better. I’m not afraid to say I don’t understand or to ask a “dumb question”. I feel free to contribute, and I feel the appreciation and mutual respect of my fellow learners.
  5. I’ve made new friends.

For all of these things I am grateful.


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