A Sweet New Year for Or Hadash in Haifa
Prior to the new year, as our friends and family in Israel continued to struggle, we wondered what we can do to bring some joy and show our support.
Read more >>Prior to the new year, as our friends and family in Israel continued to struggle, we wondered what we can do to bring some joy and show our support.
Read more >>This month, as we observe the Israeli high holy days of Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day), we mourn the loss of Israeli lives to war and terrorism while celebrating the existence of our modern Jewish state.
Read more >>Rabbi Debra Goldstein reflects on her experiences during a recent solidarity mission to Israel.
Read more >>“Neil and I are just back from a few weeks in Israel. It was such an important time to be there, to be able to share in the pain and trauma that the entire country is feeling…”
Read more >>Since the horrors of October 7, TBE has been sharing articles and videos to help you understand what’s happening in Israel. Although the current situation has been prominent in everyone’s mind, Israel is hardly defined by it.
Read more >>Rabbi Dafni Kellen discusses her daughter’s bat mitzvah in Israel.