From time to time my husband and I have helped out friends and family who have hit a bump in the road such as an illness, an unexpected assessment or a loss of spouse. We have been grateful to be in a position to help. And with just a little financial assistance, each of these people got back on their feet and moved forward.
While we thank God that we have been in a position to help, we wonder: what happens to people who need a little help but don’t have a friend or family member to turn to?
Our question was answered when we learned about Yad Chessed— an organization that provides financial assistance to Jewish families and individuals in MA when they hit a bump in the road. It’s been around since 1989, but I’d had no idea what Yad Chessed really did. All I knew was TBE collects gifts cards for them at Purim.
In short, Yad Chessed helps Jewish families in MA avoid poverty and homelessness. Sometimes a client needs assistance with a large dental bill; sometimes paying for a car repair so that they can get to work; sometimes an illness keeps them from work and they fall behind in bills.
For people without a safety net, the bumps we all face could easily turn into a downward spiral. Yad Chessed keeps that from happening. Clients work closely with social workers, who coordinate with other available organizations to get clients the help they need. For people facing mental health challenges that often go along with difficult life situations, Yad Chessed helps pay for counseling and medication to assist in recovery.
Once I learned about Yad Chessed, I was excited to get involved and now hope to become a member of the Board. In addition to financial support, Yad Chessed is looking for dentists, car mechanics and therapists who will perform services at reduced costs every once in awhile. Please let me or Yad Chessed know if you can help. To learn more, visit www.yadchessed.org or contact me here.