Remembering Rosh Hashanah
We brought TBE services to my mom and other residents and staff, representing many religions and backgrounds. We had a huge screen with plenty of volume, viewable by all.
Read more >>We brought TBE services to my mom and other residents and staff, representing many religions and backgrounds. We had a huge screen with plenty of volume, viewable by all.
Read more >>Bringing our congregations together, we found that the true catalyst that ushered in the spiritual or religious experience was the common heart.
Read more >>My mother, Ethel Dorfman Rosen, died on Yom Kippur September 20, 1980. My father, Samuel Rosen, died before I was born serving this country in World War II. My mother was a hero in a different way.
Read more >>As the High Holy Days approached, we asked members of our community to reflect on years past and look forward to the year ahead. These answers are from Dennis Barr, our VP of T’filah!
Read more >>In order to make room for giving, we must also receive. We bring a meal not because someone can’t afford a meal, but because it’s a way of showing we care. We call not because someone “needs” a call, but because we want to connect.
Read more >>We sprang into full production last September. Completing our first full year of TBE Table, we are truly amazed and thankful for how far we have come.