A Simcha To Remember
We attended the beautiful installation service for our daughter, Rabbi Emily Langowitz, Assistant Rabbi at Temple Solel in Arizona.
We attended the beautiful installation service for our daughter, Rabbi Emily Langowitz, Assistant Rabbi at Temple Solel in Arizona.
On March 27, baby Hayat, a US citizen, was welcomed with great joy into the Aljelou family.
Read more >>By widening my circle of compassion to those whose lives look different from mine, I am strengthening my spirituality and Jewish identity.
Read more >>My TBE trip helped to create a lasting friendship that ultimately has deepened my connection with Israel.
Read more >>At a filled-to-capacity Shabbat dinner, we celebrated the Syrian refugee families sponsored by JFS and learned from Ambassador Robert Ford.
Read more >>TBEPGV was featured in a book recognizing how meaningful social justice work can revitalize the role of the synagogue in American life.