The Value of a Simple Nametag
If someone knows your name, that’s a form of acceptance, and the first step towards knowing who a person is.
Read more >>If someone knows your name, that’s a form of acceptance, and the first step towards knowing who a person is.
Read more >>Rabbi Saphire’s Facebook posts as well as the spontaneous responses they elicited embody our TBE values.
Read more >>Each of the 1,380 chairs for the High Holy Days is set up by a TBE Softball player. It’s our annual mitzvah project, started when the building opened.
Read more >>Sharim is a TBE group that brings joy and love to residents of senior living centers through song.
Read more >>The Men’s Shul Softball League was created to promote and carry out friendships among men of Jewish families through sports.
Read more >>The feelings of caring and sense of community we have carried with us from that special time and the friendships we made back then have lasted through the years.