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TBE’s Community Voice

On June 17, I decided to join a standout in support of reproductive and abortion rights along with my mom and a close friend named Julia. Our goal was to protest a fake abortion center in Marlborough and to draw attention to the fact that they provide false information to pregnant people. This is particularly problematic because the center is located right next to a Planned Parenthood clinic, therefore diverting the attention of patients and undermining the un- biased options counseling that Planned Parenthood provides.

I decided to attend this event because it is something my mom is passionate about, not only as the co-chair of TBE Congregants for Reproductive Justice (CRJ) but in her work as an OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner. I asked my friend Julia to join because we both believe that it is important for our generation to fight for abortion rights now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Since we both strive to help correct injustices related to reproductive healthcare, it was alarming to be in a space where people actively disagreed with us. It was an intense experience that made me realize that, even in Massachusetts, there are many people who do not agree with my beliefs.

This standout inspired me to want to do more so now I am a Havayah Liaison, or teen leader, for the CRJ. I will work with the CRJ to provide the teen perspective and help to include other teens in events like this protest. Overall, this experience has impacted me deeply as a Jewish teenager by teaching me lessons in holding my ground and standing up for what I believe in, even when I am the only one in the room with that belief.

Adah Rosen is a member of Havayah, TBE’s teen community.

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