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TBE’s Community Voice

The National Council for Jewish Women’s website summarizes Repro Shabbat (February 21-22, 2025) best, explaining: “Repro Shabbat is an annual Shabbat celebration that honors the Jewish value of reproductive freedom. It takes place annually on Parshat Mishpatim, which contains the verses commonly referenced as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice. Individuals and communities across the world gather to celebrate Repro Shabbat and the Jewish traditions it honors.”

As an OB/GYN Nurse Practitioner—and as a Jew—I view sexual and reproductive rights as an essential component of health care. These prerogatives include the right to bodily autonomy, the right to privacy, the right to education and the right to be protected from discrimination based on sex or gender. As co-chair of TBE Congregants for Reproductive Justice (TBECRJ), I am proud of the work we have done over the past 2.5 years educating the TBE community about legislative changes regarding reproductive justice, defending reproductive rights and supporting clinicians and patients in reproductive health centers.

I hope you are able to take time this Repro Shabbat to reflect on the Jewish value of reproductive freedom and to make your own goals to support reproductive justice. Jews for Abortion Access has created many resources and guides to assist with this process including this Repro Shabbat Handout and a Ritual Guide Remembering Roe.

Repro Shabbat marks the launch of TBE’s third annual Chavilot Tipol project: a collection drive from February 21 through March 31 to create post-abortion care kits for patients of HealthQ Lawrence, an independent reproductive health care facility in Lawrence, MA. We will be assembling the kits with the assistance of the Havayah teens in April. For more information on how to contribute to Chavilot Tipol, please click here.

I, along with the rest of the TBECRJ committee, am so grateful for the support of the TBE community as we continue our work for reproductive freedom. In many ways, it feels like this work has just begun but, as we embark on Repro Shabbat, I find solace and strength in the guidance that Jewish tradition provides.

Abigail Posner (along with co-chair Meredith Ross),
TBE Congregants for Reproductive Justice

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