As the High Holy Days approached, we asked members of our community to reflect on years past and look forward to the year ahead. These answers are from Dennis Barr, our VP of T’filah!
What do the High Holy Days mean to you?
For me, this is a time to remember, reflect, connect with those I love, and to set intentions for the year ahead. I try to think about what really matters in my life, and how I might live more in tune with that. I love being with my TBE community at this time as we all do our own version of this, individually and together. The liturgy urges us to be honest with ourselves, to be vulnerable and humble, reminding us of our power to harm as well as to lift one another up.
What’s your favorite High Holy Day tradition?
So many of them. The music throughout the holidays really moves me, but especially on Kol Nidre. When the lights dim and Sheila Fiekowsky plays the first notes on her violin, I feel my heart beating in my chest. The prayer really speaks to my sense of connection to something that is much larger than I can fully comprehend yet is also so imminent. I love the hour of response, when congregants share their personal journeys. At Tashlich, I love leaning over the bridge and watching the breadcrumbs and my regrets slowly float downriver.
What are you looking forward to for the New Year?
I’m looking forward to reconnecting with friends and family, being still, being honest with myself, setting intentions for the year, and feeling gratitude for all that makes my life a blessing. The music, the sermons, and the liturgy all help me to remember and return to who I am. I also look forward to doing what I can to help everyone feel welcome at TBE.