November 17th was the coldest day in Boston thus far in 2021 when more than 300 hats, mittens, and gloves were delivered to the William Monroe Trotter K–8 School. It’s difficult to put into words how appreciative and astounded the principal and staff were upon opening the boxes and bags of warm winter outerwear. They observed many kids coming to school with only hoodies on, no hats, no mittens, and were immediately on-the-ready to distribute items at recess if necessary. It was an honor to be the one bringing these much-needed items to the school and filled me with humility and gratitude for our generous TBE congregation.
As background, in addition to the physical donations of clothing, the Racial Justice Initiative also collected about $1000 to purchase items. Shelley Joseph joined me in working with Final Touch With Class—a Black-owned women’s clothing store in Roxbury—to buy at wholesale prices, the cutest animal-faced mittens, warm mittens, and gloves for older kids, and lined hats (see picture). Owner Danny Hardaway wants no recognition but is so deserving of mention. Danny himself was a homeless kid with great empathy and even greater spirituality. He and his wife Kathryn are pillars of the Roxbury community, and TBE and Trotter are very blessed by his partnership in making this all happen.
The photo is just a small sample of the items that were delivered. Todah Rabah to all who contributed to warm the hearts, hands, and heads of the students at the Trotter School.