Mahjong (In Person)
- Community Engagement
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us as we welcome Orly Erez Likhovski, a leader in Israel’s Reform movement, who has championed legal victories for equality, religious freedom, and LGBTQ+ rights.
Join us for a screening and discussion of Aviva Kempner's documentary, Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg, the funny and surprising story of radio & television pioneer Gertrude Berg. Registration closes Sunday, March 16 at 11:59 pm.
Come visit TBE and see the Religious School in action!
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Addie Ben Arieh and Aliyah Navisky.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Jack Washkowitz.
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer. We will welcome special speakers from the Israeli organization Yotzim L'Shinui (Out for Change).
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Explore the Passover story through sensory play-dough experiences with Adoughma. Perfect for all ages and abilities, Adoughma offers hands-on, accessible fun for celebrations, classrooms, and communities.
Join Rabbi Jordy Callman for a viewing and discussion of Academy Award nominated film "A Real Pain," the story of matched cousins David and Benji tour Poland to honor their grandmother as old tensions resurface while exploring their family history.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Madelyn Sanom.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Hannah Yitzhari and Lucy Auerbach.
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
We'll kick off the evening by joining the TBE community for the Purim Shpiel and Megillah reading, followed by a delicious dinner and our engaging Purim programming.
Join us for a Broadway-themed Purim celebration! We'll read the Megillah, sing Purim songs, wear costumes, shake groggers, and enjoy hamentaschen. Fun guaranteed!
Join us for a backwards pizza dinner (did anyone say dessert first?) and Purim crafts before joining our communal celebration.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us at TBE for a fun evening packing food for the food-insecure. Whether it's your first time or you've volunteered before, experience the joy of helping while socializing with friends.
Come join the circle to knit healing shawls for our members experiencing serious illness or recovery, and baby hats for our newest members.
Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Naomi Ferat.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Isabel Stuchins.
Join us for Thank God It’s Shabbat (TGIS), a joyful, multi-generational service with singing, prayer, and learning in a relaxed setting. Celebrate Shabbat through meaningful, musical worship!
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Hailey Silver and Olivia Blecher.
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
This event has been canceled.
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join other TBE members in their 50s, 60s and early 70s for a fun night with BBQ from Blue Ribbon, bingo, and prizes! Vegetarian options available.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
In observance of the holiday, temple offices and Gan Elohim will be closed.
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join JCAN-MA and Temple Beth Elohim Green Team for a Tu B'Shevat Seder celebrating the Jewish New Year of Trees. Share a plant-based dinner and appreciate fruits, nuts, and olives from nature's bounty.
Come join the circle to knit healing shawls for our members experiencing serious illness or recovery, and baby hats for our newest members.
Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
Join us for an Israel focused pre-Shabbat discussion led by Rabbi Jordy Callman.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for "Shalom Bollywood", a film uncovering the 2000-year-old Indian Jewish community's vital role in shaping Bollywood. Discover how Jewish women led on screen when cultural taboos kept others away. A discussion follows the film.
This in-person event is your one-stop shop for b'mitzvah planning. Meet caterers, decorators, event planners, and entertainment companies to start your b'mitzvah celebration planning.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Micah Potischman.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Daniel Orloff.
Join us for Shabbat services and dinner, followed by this special learning program on Jewishness and the arts. Register by Sunday, January 19 at midnight!
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
In observance of the holiday, temple offices and Gan Elohim will be closed.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Violet Kacavich.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Lucy Kohen.
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for a night of food, factoids, and fun! Registration closes Wednesday, January 1 at 11:59 pm.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Sebastian Schneider.
Join Cantor Josh to sing, play, dance, and pray in an engaging Shabbat service. Then, stay for a family Shabbat dinner with your FwYC community!
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
Spend time with the TBE community on Christmas day, also the first night of Chanukah. We will have a Chinese food lunch, play games, have a sing-a-long, and light the candles together. RSVP by Sunday, December 22 at 11:59 pm!
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
The temple building, temple offices, and Gan Elohim will be closed. The temple will reopen on Friday for Shabbat Service.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Isabella and Jacqueline Paul.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Drew and Tessa Hoglund.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
After the Dreidel Dash has concluded, come warm up inside with some singing and storytime featuring the forthcoming new storybook Charley & Seymour’s Hanukkah Miracle.
Join us for our 6th annual Chanukah Celebration and Dreidel Dash 5K! All proceeds benefit the TBE Youth Engagement Fund.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Milena Faigel and Zoe Alfred.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Tatum Barber.
Join us for a community-wide Shabbat dinner and an intergenerational Chanukah concert, featuring members of our entire community including Junior Choir, T'filah Band, TBE Adult Choir, Sharim, and our Cantors (and Rabbis!). Registration closes on Sunday, December 8 at 11:59 pm.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!
Join us for an evening filled with socializing and a potluck dinner at TBE to celebrate the warmth and light of Chanukah!
Gather to share, hug, and be treated to a musical performance by Gabby and our own Asher Navisky! support for our partner congregation in Israel, Or Hadash, remains crucial during these challenging times.
Rabbi Na’ama Dafni Kellen will lead us in an exploration of three powerful narratives that have shaped Israel’s landscape over the past 15 months.
Join us for a special Parent Hub session with Rabbi Naama Dafni-Kellen from our sister congregation Or Hadash in Haifa for a conversation about parenting in challenging times.
Come join the circle to knit healing shawls for our members experiencing serious illness or recovery, and baby hats for our newest members.
Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.
Join us for a special Parent Hub session with Rabbi Naama Dafni-Kellen from our sister congregation Or Hadash in Haifa for a conversation about parenting in challenging times.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Chloe and Jacob Epstein.
Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B'Mitzvah of Jonah Blumenthal and Max Zelman.
Join us for a delicious dinner to connect, create community, and welcome Shabbat Registration deadline is December 1!
Join us to welcome Shabbat in song and prayer .Rabbi Naama Dafna -ellen will share a special D'var.
Regardless of on which side of the political spectrum you may be (and we will NOT be discussing politics!), what is our role in both bridging this gap and elevating ourselves in the discussion based on our values.
Do you want to learn to play? Or do you want to play a weekly game? Join us on Thursday afternoons!