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TBE’s Community Voice

Our daughter Jordy entered the University of Pittsburgh with an acceptance to their Audiology program from undergraduate through Masters and PhD. Everything was going fine. That November, we received a call while she was attending the Federation General Assembly. “I am on the wrong path…these are my people, I need to be in the Jewish world.” Fast forward 9 years, and we are about to see our daughter ordained by the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. Our daughter, a Rabbi!

We raised our children in a home with deep Jewish traditions… Both our children always had and continue to have strong, deep, complex Jewish identities, but for Jordy, it was always a bit different. Jordy was always an engaged and motivated religious school student. Even as a middle schooler, she loved to go to Shabbat morning services and Torah study with Richard. She was active in NFTY. Post bat mitzvah she opted to attend Prozdor at Hebrew College through graduation. She spent a semester in the NFTY High School in Israel Eisendrath International Experience as a high school junior. The Jewish world has always been her home, her comfort.

With the magic of live streaming and air travel, we have been able to hear her deliver sermons in pulpits from Marquette and Flint, Michigan, to Columbus, Ohio, and to watch as little ones rush to the bimah yelling, “Rabbi Jordy!” In July, Jordy will begin her career as the Assistant Rabbi at Temple Sinai in Denver, CO. It is pure joy to think about. We are confident her passion will be apparent and meaningful to this congregation.
In November, Rabbi Saphire will marry Jordy and her beshert, Matthew Callman, right here at Temple Beth Elohim. We are two very proud and grateful parents!

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