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The TBE Blog

Led by Rabbi Sisenwine, 15 men from TBE journeyed to Israel in November for an informative mission delving into the geopolitical and historical crosscurrents now buffeting Israel. By the end of our week, we had heard from a myriad of Jews and Arabs who call this small plot of land home.

Our one-day journey into the West Bank was a unique experience, including a walk through an Arab refugee camp, dialogue with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, and a visit to the underutilized model city of Rawabi and the Jewish settlement of Psagot. Another remarkable experience was our one day helicopter journey, narrated by retired IDF intelligence officer Miri Eisen, venturing from Tel Aviv up to the Golan and then an unforgettable entry into Jerusalem high above the Western Wall and Temple Mount.

Rabbi Joel arranged for us to speak with a few of Israel’s leading public voices, such as former Ambassador to the US, Michael Oren; religious pluralism advocate and co-founder of Women of the Wall, Anat Hoffman; and Israeli peace negotiator Tal Becker of the Hartman Institute.

Rabbi Susan and Yossef Abramowitz hosted our group for Shabbat dinner. He is a passionate leader of the solar energy revolution in Israel and she a proponent for expanded adoption. Former TBE congregant and businessman Israel Gadot welcomed us to the MassChallenge startup connector that offers seed capital to social entrepreneurs.

On our last night in Israel, we were spellbound by Shirin Natour Hafi, principal of the new Arab high school in Lod, a school that instills discipline and self-assuredness in underprivileged Arab teenagers to help prepare them for life ahead. Surrounded by some of her brightest students, she shared her own journey through Jewish schools and university.

We squeezed in a final dinner hosted by Brothers for Life, a non-profit created and run by combat-injured IDF soldiers to help fellow disabled Israeli combat soldiers. A couple of the Brothers shared their gut-wrenching stories of piecing back shattered bodies and lives with medical, financial and psychological aid.

While peace in the Middle East remains elusive, the bond between American Reform Jews and Israelis is as strong as ever. Go and visit Israel and create personal relationships with Israelis. The inescapable reality — the country’s best days lie ahead.

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