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The TBE Blog

In 1995, when I was 10 years old, I joined the junior choir at TBE. I loved singing and even more, I loved the idea of being able to spend an hour on Sundays after Sunday School with our beloved Cantor, Jodi. I was given my first solo in junior choir – a voicemail from Jodi letting me know that I had been chosen was waiting for me when I returned home one Sunday. I believe that it was that solo that gave me the confidence in myself and in my talent to continue singing to this day.

When my husband and I moved back from New York City and my father unexpectedly passed away a little less than a year later, I decided to become more involved with the temple. It was a place of comfort for me and felt like a home base that I could rely on. One of the first things I did was reach out to Jodi to see how to join the choir. I was welcomed with open arms into a diverse group of people: founding members of the temple, professionals who have been singing with the choir for over 40 years, Wellesley college students and a robust group of talented people who just like to sing.

Over the last few years, I have looked forward to being at the temple for all of the High Holy Day services—something that my 10-year-old self would be shocked by! Being a part of the adult choir has provided me solace in times of sadness and joy in times of happiness. It is a commitment that never feels like a burden; an enjoyable time to be with people who are dedicated to bringing delight and music to others during our most sacred of days.

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