Each week as Shabbat begins, we’re asking a member of the TBE community to share a photo that represents shalom to them. Today, Naomi Cameron shares a Shabbat/Shalom reflection:
When I started attending TBE Shabbat services in 2016, I described them as “life in a thimble.” This month I returned to Acadia National Park, our long-time family vacation spot, and realized that the same is true there: it is a tiny spot of mountains, rocks, water and greenery that taps all the elements of my being. For me this is Shalom.
Some parts of our vacation were surprisingly noisy, such as the surf pulling cobblestones across a secluded beach. But I have chosen two photos showing the quiet mystery of Creation and its power to restore us. The first, a foggy scene at Beehive Lagoon (Sand Beach), has a secret just out of view: moments before, we saw a cliff in the background. The second is Little Long Pond, just across the street from the ocean. The tranquil scene evokes calm and introspection, with still water reflecting the surroundings and knowledge that there is a world under those floating lily pads.
[photo credit: John S. Cameron]