My story of the past several months has been one of introspection. That is to remind myself of what is truly important in our lives, my family and friends and my Temple and that simple things like a smile have enormous value. I have focused on reaching out to my family many times a week to ensure they are coping with the world around us, taken the time to reach out to friends who I have not been in contact with recently and get my personal life more in order should something happen to me.
What has brought me joy is seeing a brand new granddaughter smile and grow and my other grandchildren chat with me over facetime. I have also spent time reading and walking and appreciating simple things. While work has been busy I find colleagues and customers want to share personal stories and that has brought me comfort in not feeling alone in such uncertain times.
My greatest challenge is not being able to hold my children/grandchildren. Not having the personal touch connection is hard. The other challenge is living with fear of being sick from the virus.