Alyssa, age 7:
Challenges: Learning online
Joys: Zoom services
Julie, Mom:
It was a struggle in the beginning as we had to juggle working from home schedules while teaching our daughter who was finishing the first grade. I also missed all of the socialization of the many groups to which I was used to being engaged with. Once I changed my frame of mind and able to look at things under a different lens, I really learned how amazing this time is to be appreciative and reflective.
Jeffrey, Dad:
The adjustment from life as it was to life under Covid-19 was a challenge for us at the start. Adjusting to everyone home all the time and becoming a first grade teacher in addition to my day job was hard. I found myself to be less patient and feeling more stress. However, over time things got better. We found our rhythm and were able to appreciate the little things that we wouldn’t otherwise experience. As a family we took more walks in nature. The singing at our seder was never better (thank you TBE). We are attending more Friday services via Zoom than we would otherwise be able to attend in person. We have become much better at appreciating the little things and silver linings.
Ronnie, grandmother:
Being able to spend time in person with my daughter and her family in person rather than Zoom for the High Holidays.