I’m very excited to be serving on TBE’s board again, this time as the VP of Philanthropy. Over the last 35 years as a temple member, I’ve had the pleasure of serving on the board a number of times and in a variety of different roles. However, what I’m most proud of is my work chairing the Makom committee, which organized the planning, construction, and fundraising for our new building. The TBE community is so meaningful to me, my husband Alan, and our family. Our two daughters, now both in their thirties, went to TBE nursery school and became b’mitzvah here. In 2022, Rabbi Sisenwine and Cantor Zell married our daughter Stephanie, and in September will celebrate a baby naming for Stephanie’s first child. My most memorable experience of our community didn’t take place at the temple. As many of you know, I lived in Madrid for several years while Alan was serving as the US Ambassador to Spain. During our time there, 60 TBE members came to Spain to visit, along with Cantor Jodi Sufrin and Rabbi Sisenwine. We had an amazing Shabbat dinner with the local Spanish community—both Jewish and non-Jewish friends—participated in a fabulous sing-along, and had a chance to share our lives in Spain with our dear friends from back home. I have spent most of my career working in philanthropy, and have worked for over 25 years for The Philanthropic Initiative, a consulting firm that helps donors with ambitious philanthropic goals. I’m a great believer in the power of philanthropy; it brings people together, builds community, and creates bonds. The original roots of the word philanthropy mean “love of humanity,” and that core meaning points to TBE’s values of benevolence and altruism. There’s great value in giving, and philanthropy is one of the critical ways that we do tikkun olam and show chesed. I’m looking forward to welcoming our new Director of Philanthropy to TBE and working together to help foster and grow TBE’s culture of giving.