Since I began serving as the High School Student Intern nearly three years ago, I have always wanted to give LGBTQ+ activism and conversation a home at TBE. Last June, alongside some amazing lay leaders and TBE staff, we formed Kabbalat Hakol. Kabbalat Hakol literally means welcoming all voices. Kabbalat Hakol is an expression of and expansion upon TBE’s commitment to welcoming all people, regardless of how they identify themselves or who they love. Surely, the time is ripe for TBE to learn to speak more intentionally about the intersection between Judaism and gender and sexuality. And, with that new awareness and learning will come our calling to join in the crucial social justice work of LGBTQ+ communities. This summer Kabbalat Hakol has begun our conversation, and, with the guidance and resources of Boston’s own Keshet program, we are making plans to expand this conversation to the community at large. We are so excited to be educating ourselves and preparing our community to support LGBTQ+ folks in our kehillah kedoshah. During this time, we hear much about return; returning to one another, to ourselves, and recommitting ourselves to all those causes we hold close to our hearts. We are excited to tell you about a named fund: The LGBTQ+ Support and Education Fund. Please consider a donation that represents your whole-hearted support for the important work we are embarking upon! Stay tuned for more information about Kabbalat Hakol and its work for inclusion and equality for the LGBTQ+ community. Look for us on TBE’s website and in our e-blasts.
If you are interested in or passionate about this work and would like to get involved with Kabbalat Hakol—reach out to Zac Gondelman, zgondelman@tbewellesley.org.