I am thrilled to be joining the TBE team as a new Rabbi-Educator, a role in which I look forward to exploring creative, impactful, and empowering Jewish learning and living with members of all ages, and especially our youth and day school students. My work will be shared between TBE and Gann Academy, where I will also be a Reform Rabbi and Jewish Studies faculty member; one of my goals is to strengthen connections and build new bridges between both of these amazing communities.
My career as a Jewish educator began when I was twelve years old, as a tutor in my synagogue’s religious school, and I have been teaching ever since, working with learners of every age from birth through adulthood in all sorts of settings. This love of gathering around Jewish texts and traditions alongside others as both a guide and a co-learner, asking big questions and delighting in the wisdom that emerges from unexpected places, led me to the rabbinate and continues to fuel my personal and professional Jewish life. No matter what age we are, we are all still learners in process, with both great wisdom to offer and much left to learn; I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of your process, wherever you are on your Jewish journey.
Josh and I, along with our cat Kushki, will soon arrive in Massachusetts after four years in NYC, where I have been studying at HUC-JIR, serving as a student rabbi at Congregation Rodeph Sholom, accidentally becoming a somewhat internet-famous challah artist, writing a book, knitting numerous scarves and sweaters, and living two blocks away from the world’s best bagels (help us fill the bagel-shaped hole with new Boston-area restaurant recommendations, please!). I can’t wait to get to know you, and I look forward to learning and growing together.