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The TBE Blog

Is your child about to become a bar or bat mitzvah? Are you about to become a grandparent, start a new job, or retire after a long career? Are you mourning a loss, recovered from illness, about to begin treatment, or dealing with a difficult life transition?

Did you know there is a beautiful, welcoming place offering a traditional Jewish way to mark life cycle events and transitions just down the street from TBE? Mayyim Hayyim (“Living Waters”), a progressive mikveh, offers many immersion ceremonies for celebration, healing or simply when you would like to stop, reflect and honor the transitions in your life.

Mayyim Hayyim is an unaffiliated, independent, “kosher” mikveh open to all Jews. More than 70 TBE members have already immersed in the warm and private waters at Mayyim Hayyim in honor of milestone birthdays, for healing, before the High Holy Days, for conversion, in the 9th month of pregnancy, before a child’s wedding, among many other reasons.

I was introduced to this lovely community resource years ago when I attended a Mayyim Hayyim event honoring our Cantor Jodi Sufrin and her husband, Cantor Roy Einhorn.  I was so impressed with the mission of Mayyim Hayyim that I have now volunteered as a mikveh guide, welcoming guests and helping facilitate their immersions, for over a decade.  I am always inspired by the meaningful moments our guests experience.

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