“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others.”
—Albert Einstein
In my work, coaching individuals through a career transition, I find time and time again that people are blind to their greatest gifts.
In Torah, the idea of seeing (or not) is a significant theme throughout. Isaac confuses his twin sons Jacob and Esau. When Joseph is reunited with his brothers, they don’t recognize him. And, Moses, after stopping long enough, notices that a bush burns unconsumed. Only then is he called by God to lead his people out of Egypt. How many times would you or I have walked past that bush without noticing?
My goal is to help people regain their sight and balance to present themselves positively so they can successfully find employment. People come to believe they are lacking because of a layoff they could not control or a boss who could not be satisfied. They lose their sight.
Assisting others to see doesn’t mean sugar-coating gaps they need to close. Instead, it’s about having people stop long enough (like Moses) to reflect on their accomplishments and envision a picture of their strengths.
Helping people who otherwise would be in darkness to see the light of their capabilities is spiritual work. As God told Avram, walk to yourself, to a land that I will help you see (Genesis 12:1, Lech-Lecha.) Doing this work is my greatest joy.