The numbers are horrifying. The stories are heartbreaking. For the first time, gun violence is THE leading cause of death for American children. It is higher than for any developed country in the world – by far.
Last year 3,597 children, ages 1 to 18, died by gun violence. Some were bystanders hit by stray bullets; some victims of homicides or domestic abuse; some killed unintentionally when a gun went off, and some of these deaths were self-inflicted.
Suicide took the lives of 1078 children (nearly 30%). Although school shootings receive the greatest attention, they shockingly account for only 1% of gun deaths of American children. One percent.
The cause of gun deaths are vastly different by race. Black children constitute 15% of the population, but makeup one-half of child gun deaths in America. Thus, they are 6 times as likely as a white child to die from gun homicides. However, white children, especially boys, are more likely to kill themselves than Black children. In 3 of the past 5 years, the number of white children who died by suicide surpassed 700.
Although we focus on the numbers of deaths, we should also be aware of the trauma experienced by children who know someone who died or was injured by guns and who are intensely frightened by school shooter drills. This trauma leads to lifetime adverse effects in the form of PTSD, increased rates of addiction and joblessness.
What can we do?
Join TBE’s Congregants to Prevent Gun Violence and join a community working to end gun violence. Contact Janet Goldenberg at janetzpin@rcn.com
Join TBE’s Racial Justice Initiative to get involved in programs that address racial inequities and injustices. Contact Ediss Gandelman at ediss.gandelman@gmail.com or Sheri Kassirer at skassirer1@gmail.com
The Talmud instructs us that we are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are we free to abandon it. Reducing gun violence is every citizens’ responsibility if we care for our children, our communities, and our country. Join us!