Being at home for so many more hours each day, I have definitely renewed connections with people, reaching out via telephone and Zoom to friends both near and far. Planning regular Zoom meetings with two high school friends who live distantly, connecting with friends for backyard gatherings, exploring new walking trails and routes with friends and family, finding new outdoor places to just be with people have taken the place of spontaneous gatherings and connections. Things have become more deliberate these days. Of significance, TBE’s creative efforts that allow our community to gather together virtually has given me opportunities to meet new people both through communal prayer services and new activities. And because this has been such a charged and important political season as we approach national elections, I have been politically involved more than at any other time. Through this experience, I have connected with people from other geographic places whom I will never see but with whom I have worked for a common cause. It’s amazing how much we can all remain connected with one another, even though there are so many restrictions. There are always possibilities?
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- Celebrate the Strength of Our CommunityAs we approach the end of the year, we invite you to make a contribution to support TBE’s ongoing work and values. Every gift—large or small—makes a difference.Read the full post