It was cool and windy on Sunday May 10 when we pulled into the parking lot of the JF&CS offices in Waltham.
There had been many Sundays through the years when we brought cereal or salmon to the Family Table bin in the lobby to support TBE’s monthly commitment to the only Jewish Food Bank in our community. However, we had never participated in the monthly client distribution where volunteers deliver groceries for JF&CS clients.
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, we found ourselves with a fairly empty calendar. Why not participate in the distribution process? It was clear that JF&CS had adjusted their procedures to ensure appropriate “social distancing” measures.
After putting on our masks and being given rubber gloves at the outdoor check-in table behind the building, we received our “shopping lists” and overall instructions. Products were spread out on tables (6 ft. apart of course) by category and as we moved past each station we selected items based on the client’s shopping list – whole grain cereal, cans of soup, canned fruit, shabbat candles, challah and even bags of fresh produce and dairy products like eggs and cheese.
The whole process was very well organized, and after about 20 minutes we headed out to deliver the groceries. Given the pandemic, most deliveries are being dropped at the front door or lobby as the clients are expecting the delivery.
It was a great experience, and my husband, two teenage daughters, and I all felt terrific doing something “hands on” and making an immediate impact.
Family Table supports its clients all year long and the need has only increased. There are new “Covid-friendly” collection processes in place for TBE donations. June cereal/salmon donations are still needed (drop off or ship directly to JF&CS by 6/2).