ReneWELL Elul Series | Mikveh Immersion (In Person)
ReneWELL Elul Series | Mikveh Immersion (In Person)
With Hannah Richman Kearney, Rabbi Rachel Saphire, Rabbi Jordy Callman, Soreh Ruffman
Join us this Elul season for a special collaborative series with Mayyim Hayyim, Living Waters Community Mikveh, in Newton, MA.
Join us this Elul season for a special collaborative series with Mayyim Hayyim, Living Waters Community Mikveh, in Newton, MA.
Begin a spiritual journey of growth and reflection as we prepare to enter into the season of awe and renewal.
Connect with our sister community in Haifa, Or Hadash.
We will study texts and create ceramic pieces exploring the idea of creating and re-creating ourselves as we prepare for the new year.
Join us this Elul season for a special collaborative series with Mayyim Hayyim, Living Waters Community Mikveh, in Newton, MA.