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Beit Midrash (In Person)

  • Adult Learning

Break new ground with us as we build a brand-new kind of beit midrash (house of study) that will equip you with our tradition’s timeless tools.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

Caring Knitters (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

Come join the circle to knit healing shawls for our members experiencing serious illness or recovery, and baby hats for our newest members.

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

TBE Table

  • Community Engagement

Volunteer to help provide meals to individuals experiencing food insecurity in our community.

Real Women Have Curves, On Broadway! (Offsite)

  • Community Engagement

Join TBE members in their 50s, 60s, and early 70s in NYC for an afternoon matinee of "Real Women Have Curves," celebrating identity, ambition, and resilience. Don’t miss this inspiring performance! Registration closes Monday, February 10 at 11:59 pm.

Havayah Shabbaton (Offsite)

  • Toddler to Teen

Spend time connecting with one another through fun programming, creative activities, and of course amazing food. Registration closes on Sunday, March 16 at 11:59 pm.

Fee: $240

Sisterhood@TBE Women’s Seder (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

Join us for a special night celebrating women's heroism, strength, and solidarity. Experience stories, songs, rituals, and a Passover Seder honoring courageous women of history and today, united in the spirit of Miriam.

Fee: $45

Women’s Midrash (Hybrid)

  • Adult Learning

Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

Women’s Midrash (Hybrid)

  • Adult Learning

Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

TBE Table

  • Community Engagement

Volunteer to help provide meals to individuals experiencing food insecurity in our community.

Pre-Shabbat Study (In Person)

  • Adult Learning

Sign off from the week a little earlier and begin to prepare for Shabbat with these pre-service study sessions led by Rabbi Vanessa Harper and Dr. Christopher Doty.

TBE Holy Singers (In Person)

  • Community Engagement

Join Cantor Zell for TBE's Holy Singers, a second-year music project where we gather without musical scores to share our passion for singing, explore new melodies, and create spontaneous harmonies.

Women’s Midrash (Hybrid)

  • Adult Learning

Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

Purim Holiday

  • Spiritual Practice

Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from annihilation at the hands of an official of the Achaemenid Empire named Haman, as it is recounted in the Book of Esther.

Purim on Broadway (Hybrid)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for a Broadway-themed Purim celebration! We'll read the Megillah, sing Purim songs, wear costumes, shake groggers, and enjoy hamentaschen. Fun guaranteed!

Erev Purim

  • Spiritual Practice

Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from annihilation at the hands of an official of the Achaemenid Empire named Haman, as it is recounted in the Book of Esther.

Women’s Midrash (Hybrid)

  • Adult Learning

Discover how modern women scholars have uncovered and reimagined women's voices in Jewish texts, bringing new perspectives to biblical and rabbinic stories.

The Parent Hub (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Calling all K-7 parents! Together we will (re)visit major topics in Jewish life from a "grown up" perspective.

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

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