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Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

TBE Fall Harvest Festival (Outdoors)

  • Community Engagement

Celebrate Sukkot with a joyous celebration, a day brimming with love, music, and the vibrant spirit of z’man simchateinu—the season of our rejoicing. This biannual community event features wood fire pizzas, a donut food truck, an Artisan Maker’s Market, bluegrass music, and more!

Tashlich (Outdoors)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for a meaningful, reflective ritual including shofar, song, and tossing stones into the river as we symbolically cast away our sins.

Nitzanim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

Learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom.

Fee: $280 – $360

Silly Tzedakah! A Mitzvah for Purim (In Person)

  • Toddler to Teen

In preparation for the holiday of Purim, join us in your favorite Purim costume for some silly Purim fun: singing, a story, and snacks! We are strongly encouraging families to bring in 5-6 oz tuna cans in water and breakfast cereal boxes to donate for the event.

Sukkot Fun Fest (Outdoors)

  • Toddler to Teen

Join us outdoors, shake the lulav, and celebrate the holiday of Sukkot with festive fall crafts, seasonal treats, games, music, a petting zoo, and more!

Tashlich (Outdoors)

  • Spiritual Practice

Join us for a meaningful, reflective ritual including shofar, song, and tossing stones into the river as we symbolically cast away our sins.

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