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Yad Chessed Collection 2025

We invite donations to Yad Chessed for Matanot LaEvyonim (Purim gifts to those in need). Fulfill this mitzvah while helping local families afford food!

Matzah Collection for Family Table 2025

Family Table is collecting matzah for those in our community in need and for whom observing the holiday is financially difficult, if not impossible.

Pre-Purim Backwards Dinner (In Person)

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

Join us for a backwards pizza dinner (did anyone say dessert first?) and Purim crafts before joining our communal celebration.

Purim on Broadway (Hybrid)

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

Join us for a Broadway-themed Purim celebration! We'll read the Megillah, sing Purim songs, wear costumes, shake groggers, and enjoy hamentaschen. Fun guaranteed!

All Havayah Night: Purim! (In Person)

Temple Beth Elohim 10 Bethel Road, Wellesley

We'll kick off the evening by joining the TBE community for the Purim Shpiel and Megillah reading, followed by a delicious dinner and our engaging Purim programming.

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