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Cradles to Crayons Donation Drive (In Person)

Join Temple Beth Elohim’s efforts to make a difference to the children served by Cradles to Crayons. Items should be for children ages infant through 12 years old. Please leave items in the donation box located in the temple atrium.



Sukkot is a festival for giving thanks for the fall harvest and commemorates 40 years of Jews wandering in the desert after the giving of the Torah. Celebrated five days after Yom Kippur.

Sukkot Fun Fest (Outdoors)

Join us outdoors, shake the lulav, and celebrate the holiday of Sukkot with festive fall crafts, seasonal treats, games, music, a petting zoo, and more!

Immigration Justice Call to Action (Hybrid)

Join us to learn about the new pathways for welcoming immigrants and increasing volunteers for participating and sponsoring new immigrants at risk in home countries.

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