- Community Engagement
What’s Jewish about Breast and Ovarian Cancer? (Online)
- Thursday, March 28, 2024
- 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Melissa K. Rosen, Sharsheret's Director of Training and Education

As a community, explore why these cancers are Jewish communal issues and apply to men and women, highlight lifesaving cancer genetics information, teach how to provide culturally meaningful support, and review how to be proactive about health in general.
Melissa K. Rosen, Sharsheret’s Director of Training and Education, holds a master’s degree in Jewish Communal Service from Brandeis University (1991) and has been working in the non-profit sector for over 30 years. Her professional experience includes informal education and programming, advocacy, and community outreach. Melissa’s work has allowed her to facilitate unique and lasting connections among organizations in the diverse American Jewish community. Melissa oversees community education throughout the country, training health care professionals, Jewish professionals, and Sharsheret’s volunteers. She also manages the Sharsheret Supports Partnership program. Herself a two-time cancer survivor, she is passionate about the Jewish community and cancer support and advocacy.
Registration: This event is available on Zoom. Click the purple registration bar above to join us. Zoom pre-registration is required. Once you have registered, your unique access link will be emailed to you.
Sharsheret, a national non-profit organization, improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach.