- Toddler to Teen
Wellesley Parent/Guardian Listening Session (In Person)
- Monday, March 25, 2024
- 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Program Leader: Rabbi Rachel Saphire

If you have a child in the Wellesley Public School System, join Rabbi Saphire and the JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) Director of Educational Partnerships, Dan Osborn, to share your experience.
We will gather in a safe and supportive environment as a community, to listen, heal, and move forward with a shared vision of how to foster relationships with district and school leadership so that the voices and concerns of Jewish students and the broader community are conveyed and understood by school districts. In a time of trauma, and rising antisemitism, we hope to move forward with a shared hope that change is possible in schools, especially when communities imagine a better future together.
The JCRC is affecting change district by district, as practices and cultures vary. Stay tuned for future opportunities for other TBE-wide community gatherings.
Registration: Please email Kristine Potter (KPotter@TBEWellesley.org) to register.