- Adult Learning
Tisha B’Av (Ninth of Av) Service (Online)
- Monday, August 12, 2024
- 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Rabbi Vanessa Harper

Tisha B’Av (the Ninth of Av) is a day of collective mourning and remembrance on the Jewish calendar, connected to many tragic events that have occurred throughout Jewish history. This year especially, we will focus on the tragedy of October 7th and its aftermath in our service of commemoration.
We join with the Jewish community around the world in marking this day with prayer and learning:
- Monday, August 12, 7:00 pm: Tisha B’Av service with a focus on October 7th.
- Monday, August 12–Tuesday, August 13: Watch Legend of Destruction an incredible new Israeli film that brings the events of the first Tisha B’Av to life with startling relevance to today. Register here to receive the link to watch on your own during these 24 hours of the holiday.
- Tuesday August 13, 7:00-8:00pm: Discuss Legend of Destruction with Rabbi Rosen.
Registration: This event is available online. Please click the appropriate purple bar above to register.
This event is sponsored by Adult Learning.