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  • Community Engagement

Prime Timers Sunday Night at the Movies (In Person)

CAL_Sisterhood Movie Night

Join us for a screening and discussion of Aviva Kempner’s documentary, Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg, the funny and surprising story of radio & television pioneer Gertrude Berg. We’ll provide pizza and salad—please bring a beverage or a dessert to share. The discussion will be led by Glenda Ganem!

Learn more about the movie here.

Registration: This event is available in person. Please click the appropriate purple bar above to register. Registration closes Sunday, March 16 at 11:59 pm.

This event is sponsored by Prime Timers. Join other TBE members in their 50s, 60s and early 70s looking to make and deepen friendships and build connections, enjoy Shabbat dinners, and participate in educational, cultural, and social events.

