- Community Engagement
Storytelling Workshop | Stories Inspired By Our Judaica (In Person)
- Saturday, May 6, 2023
- 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Cindy Rivka Marshall

Workshop Block #2: In this interactive workshop, bring a Jewish ritual Object to share or to describe – a family heirloom, a clay menorah made in preschool, a repurposed glass used each year for Passover – any object that is made meaningful through your experience of it. Thinking about or holding Jewish ritual objects can evoke memories and stories. You will learn skills to craft a story and share it with others.
Cindy Rivka Marshall is a professional storyteller and story coach. Specializing in Jewish storytelling, she leads intergenerational, oral history and family education programs for congregations. Her stories have won national and local story slams, and awards from Parent’s Choice, Storytelling World and National Parenting Publications. Renowned Jewish folklorist Howard Schwartz says, “Cindy Rivka Marshall must be reckoned as one of the finest storytellers around.” www.cindymarshall.com
This program is part of Celebrating our Stories through Jewish Arts & Culture, May 5-7: Join us for a weekend-long celebration! Connecting over meals, multi-faceted experiences, songs and stories, we’ll share in the ways that art can express the stories of our souls. Throughout the weekend, we will gather for a special Shabbat service and communal dinner, experiential workshops and learning opportunities, a Beit Cafe on Saturday evening, and opportunities to explore in greater Boston. Click here to view the weekend’s events.
Registration: Please use the registration bar above to RSVP. Click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines.