- Community Engagement
Sisterhood Chanukah Potluck (In Person)
- Thursday, December 15, 2022
- 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- Join us in person

The Sisterhood@TBE Chanukah Potluck IS BACK!!! We’ve missed gathering together for Chanukah these past few years. This year we are excited to come together once again!
We would love to have you join us for a social evening and potluck dinner at TBE to celebrate the warmth and light of Chanukah! Whether you’ve been to Sisterhood events in the past, or would like to start now, this evening will be a fun way to connect with women in our community and celebrate the holiday.
Please sign-up and bring a dish (dairy or vegetarian) or beverage to share and a wrapped $10 gift for a Sisterhood Swap! And in the spirit of giving we hope you will also consider supporting the Trotter School Gift Collection organized by TBE’s Racial Justice Initiative. Ediss Gandelman has graciously offered to deliver to the Trotter School any gifts that are collected at our Chanukah Potluck.
Registration and Health and Safety: Register by clicking the purple button beneath the class title. Click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines.