- Toddler to Teen
Silly Tzedakah! A Mitzvah for Purim (In Person)
- Sunday, March 17, 2024
- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Cantor Josh Rosenberg

In preparation for the holiday of Purim, join us in your favorite Purim costume for some silly Purim fun: singing, a story, and snacks! Then, we’ll fulfill the Purim mitzvah (sacred obligation) of matanot l’evyonim, giving gifts to the poor, with our Family Social Action Group. As a community, we’ll be decorating and assembling bags of donated food items to Centre Street Food Pantry, and we are strongly encouraging families to bring in granola bars and mac & cheese boxes to donate for the event.
Registration: This event is available in person. Click the purple registration bar above to join us.