- Spiritual Practice
Shabbat Morning Service (Hybrid)
- Saturday, May 18, 2024
- 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- Join us online

Our Shabbat service includes the celebration of the B’Mitzvah of Ethan Domb and Heloise Hirsch.
About Ethan
Hi everyone! I’m Ethan Domb. I am a sports fanatic who loves all sports but if I had to choose a favorite it would be basketball. From dribbling on the court, to playing with my friends in a pickup game to watching the Celtics I always feel better when basketball is part of my day. I play for several teams including Weston Metrowest, Weston Middle School and Middlesex Magic.
This summer with be my 4th year at Camp Cobbossee up in Maine and I can’t wait!, mostly because I get to play basketball all day with my friends all day everyday and I get a break from my little sisters.
I’m the oldest sibling in my family and in my opinion the most athletic in the family. I have two younger sisters, Eliza and Everly, and my favorite member of the family is my dog Meadow.
I am currently a 7th grader at Weston Middle School and if I had to choose, I’d say my favorite subject in school is math. Outside of school I love learning about sports statistics and my newest hobby is the stock market.
Preparing for my Bar Mitzvah has been a huge amount of work but I’m super grateful to my tutor Monica for helping me through it all. There were a couple times over the last 18 months where I felt overwhelmed by the work and wanted to give up but I’m so glad I didn’t because I feel ready and now I can’t wait for May 18th because the hard part is over and now it’s almost time to party and celebrate it with my friends and family.
About Heloise
Dear TBE community,
My name is Heloise Hirsch. I am a 7th grader at Wellesley Middle School. My favorite subject is science because I enjoy learning about biology. My favorite season is summer because I go to Camp Pembroke, one of my favorite places! I have been going to Camp Pembroke since I was 10, and I love hanging out with some of my best friends there!
Some things I enjoy doing are horseback riding, field hockey, hanging out with friends, and playing with my dog. I have been horseback riding since I was four, and I love being around the horses. I also really enjoy field hockey, and have been playing since first grade. I really enjoy playing field hockey with my friends and I love working with my team to score goals! I also still have really close friends that I have been friends with since elementary school, and I enjoy hanging out with them a lot! When we are together, we bake, go to town, and have sleepovers. I am an animal lover, and I love my dog, Roo, who is one and a half years old. I love her puppy energy!
I have a large family that has my parents (Polly and Jordan), my sister Aline (10), my other sister Annette(8), and my brother Freddy (6). One thing that I enjoy doing most with my family is traveling.
For tikkun olam I chose to volunteer at NEER North (New England Equine Rescue) because I love being around animals. NEER rescues horses, donkeys, and mules. NEER relies on volunteers to help take care of animals, so it brings me joy to know I am helping to give animals a second chance. I think it is important to help volunteer with animals because all living beings deserve a good life, and I love helping to make sure these animals are well cared for and happy.