- Community Engagement
Prime Timers Shabbat Trail Walk & Nosh (In Person)
- Saturday, November 5, 2022
- 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Beth and Marty Kramer

Join us at Rocky Woods Reservation in Medfield for a trail walk led by Beth and Marty Kramer.
Rocky Woods Reservation is located at 38 Hartford St, Medfield. We will meet in the large, long parking lot. After the walk, we will gather at the Blue Moon Bagel Café approx. 1.5 miles down the road for a nosh (large parking lot in front). Blue Moon Bagel Café is at 236 Main St (Rte 109) in a Medfield strip shopping center.
We will notify you if the weather requires postponement. Directions will be sent to all who register!
Prime Timers: Join other TBE members in their late 40s, 50s, and 60s looking to make and deepen friendships and build connections.