- Toddler to Teen
Nitzanim: Introductory Parent Meeting (Online)
- Sunday, October 23, 2022
- 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us online
- Program Leader: Cantor-Educator Josh Rosenberg

Parents are invited to join us on Zoom to learn about Nitzanim.
Nitzanim (flower buds) is a new monthly learning program for families of pre-k, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten students that is designed to explore how we can find our own path to shalom by living and learning in Jewish time. Students and their grownups will engage in multi-modal learning both about Jewish holidays throughout the year, and participate in community-wide family programming as a cohort. This program will include family music sessions and parallel learning sessions for adults to study with members of our clergy and education teams while students continue learning in their classrooms with Eliana Stein, our K-5 Assistant Director.
This one-year program is open to our members as well as the greater community in preparation for enrollment in BaDerech next year. For more information about Nitzanim, contact Cantor-Educator Josh Rosenberg, jrosenberg@tbewellesley.org or 781-997-4217. View the Nitzanim registration form here
Please note that all classes are in person except for the Introductory Parent Meeting on Sunday, October 23, 8:00 pm.
Registration: This event will take place through a video conference call. Pre-registration is required. Please click the registration button above to pre-register. Once you have registered, your unique access link will be emailed to you. If you’re new to Zoom, watch a tutorial or read written instructions on how to join a Zoom video call.
Class Meetings:
Introductory Parent Meeting on Zoom: Sunday, October 23, 8:00 pm
Sunday, November 6, 9:30 – 10:45 am
Sunday, December 4, 9:30 – 10:45 am
Sunday, January 8, 9:30 – 10:45 am
Sunday, February 5, 9:30 – 10:45 am
Monday, March 6, 5:00 pm (Special day and time for Purim) *time may change due to special day*
Sunday, April 2, 9:30 – 10:45 am
Sunday, May 14, 9:30 – 10:45 am (Special day and time for End of Year Israel Celebration) *time may change due to special day*
Tuition/Cost: $280 for Member Families, $360 for Non-Member Families