- Community Engagement
Mayyim Hayyim & The Well at TBE Present: Mikveh as a Spiritual Practice in Preparation for Passover (In Person)
- Tuesday, April 16, 2024
- 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person
- Program Leader: Hannah Richman Kearney

As we prepare for Passover, we embark on a spiritual journey of leaving behind what no longer serves us, and entering a new time of hope and promise. Mikveh offers us a special opportunity to honor this sacred transition. No matter what kind of transformation or journey from narrowness to freedom you hope to mark, we hope you might come join us on this journey.
This special multi-part workshop, a unique collaboration between Mayyim Hayyim and The Well at Temple Beth Elohim, will help participants explore the ancient ritual of mikveh and its potential for personal transformation and meaning in their own lives.
Open to all ages, genders and anyone curious who’s interested in learning more about the ritual of mikveh. While immersing in the waters at Mayyim Hayyim is reserved for those who are Jewish and those at the moment of conversion, the workshop and water based rituals are open to anyone of any faith background! Please feel free to reach out to Hannah Richman Kearney, Rabbi Rachel Saphire, or Soreh Ruffman at Mayyim Hayyim for a confidential conversation if you have any questions!
This course follows a sequential structure, and participants must attend all sessions. It is not possible to join the program late.
Dates and Time: Tuesdays, March 26 (at Mayyim Hayyim), April 2 & 9, 7:00–8:30 pm, April 16, 6:00–9:00 pm (at Mayyim Hayyim)
Fee: Members: $50 | Non-Members $150. Plus, a suggested $75 donation to Mayyim Hayyim (given directly to Mayyim Hayyim with immersion intake form.)
Registration: Please click on the purple registration button above.
Description of Each Class:
March 26, 7:00–8:30 pm — Session I: Introduction to Mikveh (At Mayyim Hayyim)
At Mayyim Hayyim, tour the beautiful and welcoming mikveh spaces and learn about the tradition of Mikveh with expert Mayyim Hayyim educators while exploring both ancient and modern rituals surrounding water and transformation.
April 2, 7:00–8:30 pm — Session II: Developing Personal Ritual for Mikveh or Other Water Based Rituals with our TBE Clergy (At TBE)
Through text study and discussion with our clergy, discuss the meaning behind ritual and Jewish ritual – why rituals are important and what do they mean in our modern world? What are the rituals surrounding mikveh immersions and handwashings, and why are they significant? What are some traditional ceremonies surrounding the ritual of immersion before the Passover season?
April 9, 7:00–8:30 pm — Session III: Creating Your Own Water or Immersion Ritual (Optional, At TBE)
Through 1:1 or small group conversations with previous participants, clergy and staff, participants will have the option to craft their own immersion or water-based ceremony. Some participants may opt out of this workshop, selecting instead to choose one of the pre-created ceremonies designed by Mayyim Hayyim.
April 16, 6:00–9:00 pm — Session IV: Communal Water Ritual at Mayyim Hayyim
Participants will have the opportunity to share in a communal moment to conclude our workshop time together, and they will then have the opportunity to immerse in the living waters of Mayyim Hayyim or practice their own self-designed water-based ritual. Unable to attend this session? Participants are encouraged to schedule another opportunity to immerse or practice their water-based ritual at Mayyim Hayyim!
Sponsored by The Well at TBE in partnership with Mayyim Hayyim. The Well at TBE integrates Jewish spiritual practices and modern mindfulness tools and techniques to provide a source of wellbeing through learning, practicing, prayer, and support for individuals on their own and in community.