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  • Toddler to Teen

Matanot L’Evyonim & Mishloach Manot (In Person)


Prepare care packages for those in need! Join other K-7 families to perform the Purim mitzvot of mishloach manot (gifts to family and friends) and matanot l’evyonim (gifts to those in need). Together, we will pack and decorate goody bags to be dropped off at local shelters and pantries.

Please bring any shelf- stable food; not all the bags need to be the same.


  • easy mac, ramen, raisins
  • nuts, chips, candy, pasta
  • canned goods, peanut butter, rice

Registration: This event is available in person. Please click the appropriate purple bar above to register.

This event is sponsored by Tikkun Olam at TBE, which offers opportunities to repair the world in partnership with lay leaders, staff, and clergy.