- Community Engagement
Lives Eliminated, Dreams Illuminated (LEDI) | TBE Sisterhood event (In Person)
- Tuesday, October 24, 2023
- 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
- Join us in person

Lives Eliminated, Dreams Illuminated (LEDI), an exhibit sponsored by The Dr. David M. Milch Foundation (DMF), will debut at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute from September 7 to October 25, 2023. LEDI features remarkable portraits based on archival photographs of twenty-three girls and young women whose lives were senselessly lost during the Holocaust, with the lives they never had and the dignity they had stolen reimagined via art and music. LEDI aims to tell their stories, personalize the horror they experienced, and provoke important conversations about the Holocaust and current antisemitism.
New York-based painter Lauren Bergman began the series of paintings in response to the 2017 Unite the Right white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Bergman researched public records and archives and conducted oral histories to learn about women and girls murdered in the Holocaust — not merely how they died, but who they were and how they lived. Israeli composer Ella Milch-Sheriff extends the worlds of Bergman’s paintings. Her compositions locate the subjects geographically and developmentally, drawing from the musical traditions of each woman and girl’s home country, while introducing elements that speak to their character, interests, sacrifices, and ends.
Together, the works consider how women and girls experienced the Holocaust differently than their male counterparts, accounts historically underrepresented in the retelling.
Registration: This event is available in person . Click the purple registration bar above to join us. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, October 17.
Sisterhood@TBE brings together all those who identify as women in our TBE community through fun social gatherings and stimulating Jewish themed programs.