- Toddler to Teen
Family Tikkun Olam Night (In Person)
- Friday, May 12, 2023
- 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- Join us in person

Join us for a moment of Shabbat singing and dancing, followed by a family-friendly dinner, and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) activity. We’ll meet Solomon, who founded Little Dreamers Academy* in Uganda, and create pencil cases full of pencils to send back to his school’s students who are in need. Let’s make the world a better place while enjoying Shabbat with your whole family!
* Little Dreamers Academy in Uganda aims to transform the traditional Ugandan education curriculum to better prepare students for successful futures. The Ugandan national curriculum employs rote learning which limits the development of critical thinking skills, skills that in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic prepare children for what is to come following graduation. Despite an eagerness and commitment to learn, even students who finish school often find themselves lacking the basic skills needed to secure one of the few available jobs. This leads to unemployment and a cycle of poverty.
Little Dreamers model balances the standard educational approach, starting with national curriculum and adding a critical Life Skills program. Little Dreamers has about 300 students and serves as a model school for the impact that this enhanced curriculum can have on students and their families. Little Dreamers Academy aims to build out a teacher training program to replicate the model in other primary schools, and ultimately engage government to implement nationwide.
Committee: FwYC and Gan Elohim Tikkun Olam Committee
Health & Safety: If you’re joining us in person, please click here to see our up-to-date health and safety guidelines.