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  • Community Engagement

Circles of Connection | Peer-led Support Circles for Adults 50 and Older (In Person)

  • Thursday, May 1, 2025
  • 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
  • Join us in person
  • Program Leader: Rabbi Rachel Saphire, Joey DuPont

Circles of Connection is a new pilot initiative for the Boston Jewish community that is building our capacity to care for and support one another during this time of increasing trauma, stress, polarization, and rising antisemitism through peer-led support circles.

Circles of Connection uses an evidence-based model to gather as a small group to help us feel seen, heard, and supported as we process the stress and anxiety of our challenging world.

The support circles are led by trained community members who have learned how to create respectful and welcoming spaces where people can connect meaningfully across shared experiences, bridge differences, and build resilience.

Circles of Connection is a partnership between JF&CS, JCC Greater Boston, and GPS Group Peer Support. It is made possible through grant funding from Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the Beker Foundation, and the Ruderman Family Foundation.

Dates: May 1, 8, 22

Registration: This event is available in person. Please click the purple bar above to register. Adults 50 and older are invited to participate in this 3-session in person program. Join us for one, two, or all three sessions!

Click here to view and download an interactive flyer

